8200 SW 77th Ave. Amarillo, TX 79119
Care Center Hours: M-F 7:30am-6pm, Sat 9am-Noon

Heaven’s Rainbow Bridge

Pet Cremation and Remembrance Service

Honoring the Life of Your Loving Pet

HRB Logo


Pets are Family

We understand the extraordinary place pets have in the hearts of our families.  Your beloved pet deserves be treated with dignity and care. As pet lovers, we are committed to handling each facet of your pet’s passage with compassion, allowing you to celebrate the life you shared together.

Losing a pet is a significant loss.  Resources to cope and heal.

Honoring the Life of Your Loving Pet

Pets are unconditionally loyal companions who profoundly touch our lives. Because they bring us immeasurable happiness, love, and joy, it can be devastating to lose one. Such passing should be one of meaning and significance and handled with the utmost dignity, compassion, and respect. Rainbow Bridge offers pet cremation in Amarillo, Texas and the surrounding areas. Pet cremation includes communal and individual services in a loving dignified manner just as any family member deserves.

Happy family with cute bichon dog in the park

Pick up from Amarillo veterinarian is included in cremation fees Services


Only one pet is cremated at a time.  Ashes are lovingly gathered, processed, and returned in a beautiful velvet bag and hand crafted wooden urn. This insures you receive only your pet’s ashes. 


0 – 25#       $250

26-50#       $345

51-75#        $425

76-100#     $515

over 100#   $599


Multiple pets are cremated at one time. Ashes can not be returned but are gently scattered in pet cemetery. Engraved brick may be purchased to commemorate their resting place.


0 – 25#       $125

26-50#       $175

51-75#        $225

76-100#     $255

over 100#   $305

Choose which package you prefer with your pet's cremation service Care Packages

Companion Package

All cremations include:

Pet tracking of cremation journey

Cremation Certificate

Remembrance Card with Paw Print

Free online memorial post on website

Faithful Package

Individual cremations also include:

Velvet bag for lovingly gathered ashes

 and Handcrafted Wooden Urn

Ashes are returned in a beautiful handcrafted wood urn with memorial keepsakes you will treasure forever. 

Loyal Package

Upgrade includes:

Everything in Campanion and Faithful packages


Remembrance card with picture 

Fur clipping in heart shaped keepsake

Add $25 to the cremation price

Devoted Package

Upgrade includes:

Everything in Companion and Faithful package


Remembrance card with picture

Fur clipping in heart shaped keepsake

Clay Paw Print

Add $50 to the cremation price

Adored Package

Upgrade includes: 

Everything in Companion and Faithful package


Remembrance card with picture

Fur clipping in heart shaped keepsake

Clay paw print

Key Chain Urn to 

keep your companion nearby

Add $90 to the cremation price

If your pet is in our care, enter the tag number shown on your invoice to track your pet’s status.

For mobile phones you may need google sheets from your app or play store. Go to sheets.google.com


Saying good-bye is never easy.  Pre-planning can help ease the stress at the very difficult stage of letting go.  It can provide peace of mind knowing your plans and wishes are prepared, reducing the burden of decision making while grieving the significant loss of your pet. Loss is difficult. Knowing in advance what you will do allows you to focus on your needs and healing.  Review the Preplanning Guide, Get your Questions Answered, and Request a Pre-Planning Quote here.

portrait intime d'une petite fille avec son chaton tigré, lumière arrière

Memorial products such as nameplates, customized urns, and  plaques are also available. Customizable cremation jewelry will allow you to keep your pet near you during this time of significant loss. Ask for details.

Sharing our precious and treasured memories of our pet helps us through the grieving process.

Post your memorial here and share with friends and family.

Pet Memorials

  • Bruno Our Joy

    Bruno cross the rainbow bridge last night! There was never a day he didn’t make us laugh or yell his name!! His love for us was never ending, my daughter heart is broken with his passing but we keep the beautiful memories our Bruno gave us!! Till we meet again Bruno we love you More than words can say it!


  • What Ruthie Taught Me

    I found Ruthie at an outreach place related to our local animal shelter. The day that I saw her was her last chance to be adopted. My vet and his wife had paid to keep Ruthie 6 weeks longer at the shelter. They just knew someone would want a sweet scared terrier-beagle mix one year old+ dog. They were so right.
    I saw her, the right size and breed, being rocked by one of the volunteers. I took Ruthie around the place to see her reaction to different situations. She was just perfect. She loved to meet other people, loved to meet children and could climb stairs without a problem. So, home she came with us that day.

    Ruthie had been a stray who had been very abused. It took her about two years to be ready for a companion dog. Ruthie was energetic and just so much fun. She was always with me until she passed on. She loved her walks and we had one on her last day.
    Ruthie taught me that you can be broken, abused and homeless, but someone can save you and love you. You can learn to trust the one who loves you. Ruthie taught me to always stay with the one who loves you when that person needs you. You serve the one the best that you can for as long as you can with love. When that time is up, the one who loves you will do the best for you. Ruthie taught me that love with its related patience can conquer all.

  • Gentle Giant Jensen

    Best dog family could ever ask for! Left behind his best friend Abbey who is missing him dearly. When it was time to eat , he would always stay back , let her eat first, then he would eat! In a dogs world he was true gentleman!!❤️❤️He is the lab in picture.


  • Daisy, my little lion

    Daisy was discarded at local grocery store during the night. After an hour of pleading, this 6 lb. angel happily came with me, sat in front seat with a look that said “let’s go home. After removal of 12 bad teeth, this little girl took on the world. Vet said she was approximately 13 when I found her. What a joy she brought to my life. I had just lost my husband and son a few months before and did not want a pet at the time, but both of our lives were changed for the best. I knew our time together would not be long, but tried to make up for whatever sadness she had before me.

  • Dora Belle

    She was a real gift and I love her very much I will miss you so much your love was so unconditional I enjoyed being her momma.

    Daddy loves you I always will. You will always be my sugar plum. Thank you for your unconditional love. I will never forget you.

    My soul shattered the day you left. Nothing will ever be the same. You will always be my bestest friend in the whole good gob world. I will see you soon. I love you so much Duke.

    Dora Belle

  • Courage and Discipline

    Our Ruthie was a girl who never gave up. She was so afraid of ordinary things when we adopted her. However, over time, she became a fearless tree climber and squirrel and bunny hunter. Yes, she did climb our maple tree to chase squirrels.
    Ruthie needed a disciplined routine for meals and walks.The routine kept her healthy. When I was recuperating from two very nasty hospitalizations, she made certain that I was out of bed walking at certain times and napping at certain times.She was my coach. She kept me healthy.
    Ruthie loved to look out our dining room window with her brother Jasper. She was with him doing that very thing the morning that she passed on. She cared for him as she did for us. She is very missed.

  • Jena

    Jena was a beloved fur baby I had for 16 years she was a registered akc Maltese and a registered service dog she has helped me through good times and bad besides my wonderful husband and my beautiful daughter she was the light of my life she was my companion and baby she will greatly be missed.


  • My lovely girl

    Chikis was my dear dog since 10 year ago, I found her in a park on 7/8/2009 and I made her a member of my family, she was a dog with a very special personality, she did not trust people, I think she suffered abuse and that’s why she was timida, but with me was different only I could caress her and hold her in my arms, she always went behind me, she looked at me with tenderness, I love her too much and since this day 7/12 /19 nothing will be the same, she is leaving a huge empty in life, although I know that she is happy and she will continue to look at me with her beautiful eyes, I would prefer that she was still here … I love you Chikis and you will always live in my heart


  • Spike

    Thank you for all of the kindness and attention to detail you showed on the handling of my Spikey and of us, during this sorrowful time. Someone told me that dog owners have said that the loss of a pet is even harder than losing a relative. This is because dogs give you unconditional love! Humans are not capable of providing unconditional love.
    I am very fortunate to have this lad in my life! God truly gifted me when my path met up with this boy. Til we meet again my friend.

  • The Dreamer

    We met Toby for the first time on December 31st, 2000 in the parking lot of Home Depot. He was six-weeks-old and ornery as all get out. Little did I know that this tiny creature would change my life for the better. Shortly after, we almost lost Toby to Parvovirus but fortunately, we had an amazing vet that cared for him for two full weeks. Once home, he was our little buddy. He went everywhere with us and truly became our child. In fact, he helped make us a family. The most important thing that Toby taught me was how to love something so purely and unconditionally. He was with us for 15 years until one day, he just wasn’t himself any longer. The night before he died, I sat down on the floor next his bed and looked into eyes. It was almost as if he was telling me that it was alright. It was his time. We were there with him as he quietly went to sleep for the last time. Although his absence has been felt throughout our home and life, I am grateful to God that we had him for his brief stay on this Earth. He will always have our hearts and we will always love him. Heaven’s Rainbow Bridge has been wonderful throughout this difficult process. He is now back home with us. He is now in a place where he may forever watch over us.


  • Sol

    Thank you for making this difficult time a little easier. For 12 years I was lucky that this sunshine was my best friend and we got through so many things together. I’m forever grateful for the memories.

    Borrowed Boxer Time

    The sun has set on my heart
    One last rise in beauty so full of spirit
    Sol, golden, beaming white rays of light Years of love,joy, and overcoming sorrow
    Strength in her soul, fueling mine
    Unconditionally my best friend
    A companion that lit my darkest days
    Never failing to greet or search for me
    The woos and wiggle butts
    Nubbin tail and velvet head
    Blessed is the day I brought you home
    We lived and loved on borrowed boxer time


  • Ace Buddy

    My sweet Ace came into our lives at just 6 weeks old. He truly acted like a new born baby. As he got bigger he got into everything, but because he was so cute it was hard to discipline him. He would look at you with the sweetest brown eyes and your heart would melt. He was only on this Earth for 8 short months but he has left a life long impression on all of our hearts. Ace we love you and will forever miss you. Now you can run and play with your puppy brother Shorty j and your sister Ja’lee.

    Ace 1_Fotor Ace 1_Fotor.jpg

  • He was more than a dog.

    Dobby started out as a gift to my grandmother for her birthday! I went to pick him out at the local shelter here, and I swear I must have walked through the entire place three or four times before I saw him (my sister saw him actually) and he was so tiny and scared. I looked at him and he looked at me it was an instant bond and I realized then that he would go on to be my dog.

    I suffer from clinical depression and severe anxiety, he was registered last year as my service animal and I took him everywhere with me…except where I went today and a fire took him from me. I really can’t see myself without him in my life; he was such a warm light that brought so much love and sweet kisses into my life that I don’t know how I am going to handle not seeing him every day.

    He was such a sweetheart and loved to get belly rubs, he adored getting McDonald’s every once in awhile, and oddly enough he adored pickles. He had such a huge impact on my life, and I can only hope he knew just how much I loved him and that I will keep him with me forever–I won’t ever forget him and he was the best dog I ever had.


  • From Wired Cage to Spoiled Rotten

    Boss was a rescue for us; our first. He was left in a backyard in one of those small wire dog cages. We fell in love with him immediately and he was the first fur baby to live in our new house when we bought it a week later after rescuing him. He was goofy, loving, lazy, silly; the list could go on and on. He loved a bath; he would jump in the shower with you, or jump straight into his own awaiting bath. He was even accepting of the other two rescue pit bulls we brought home a year later.
    His passing was in part our own naive fault. We fed him table scraps and didn’t pay attention to his weight getting out of control. We were too late in getting him to the vet on the day he passed, when we realized there was something not right. He had developed diabetes and was almost in a diabetic coma. Making the choice to put him to sleep was the hardest thing I have ever done. I let him lay his head on my arm as I laid my head on his body, and he passed peacefully. I wrote this for him today, when I brought him home;
    ‘You are back home, although this is not what I had in mind when I thought of bringing you home. I was thinking of the old tail wagging, licking and bumping into me as I try to walk through the door. Boss, I’ve missed you so much in the past week and I know you are gone forever now, but it still hurts. In time it will get better, I know. I have been trying to prepare myself for two days to go pick you up when they called. Now you’re back home boy, back where you belong. We all love and miss you.’


  • Sweetest Puppy God Ever Made

    We were blessed with finding the sweetest puppy that God ever made in Denton, Texas in 2002. We named this precious little puppy Cee Cee because we found her in an area of town that was referred to as “Cement City”. We were blessed to have Cee Cee for 15 years until old age got the best of her, and she lost the ability to walk on her own. On October 8, 2017, we took Cee Cee to the clinic and had her put into eternal sleep, ending her pain. Her body was taken to Heaven’s Rainbow Bridge, where she was cremated. Her body was given back to us the following day in a very professional manner. Do puppies go to heaven? Of course they do. Cee Cee we love you and will be looking forward to seeing you again. Until then, be a sweet girl and we will see you on Heaven’s Rainbow Bridge.

    Cee Cee

  • Gabby

    Gabby moved on to the next life, early the morning of October 2, 2017. Ever eager to explore, her aged body could no longer transport her mind to new adventures. She could not contribute nor comment further on a world that that surely needs her considerable wealth of insight, of guidance. Nothing new remained to bark at, chase, or ignore (mainly jackrabbits).

    Gabby, a B&W ESS, was born January 28, 2003, and lived in Evans, Georgia for a few months before moving to the River Club, North Augusta, SC, in June, 2003. Ever active, she moved to my house on Georgia Avenue in March, 2004. We then moved on a job transfer to Amarillo in April, 2005, where she lived for over ten years. We adopted Daisy, a four year old L&W ESS, in October, 2010. We all moved on a job transfer to Los Alamos in June, 2015. We made regular trips back home to Amarillo and a couple to the house in North Augusta. Declining health began to limit her mobility in July, 2017 and so we made the best of her remaining time. Earlier weeks good. Last few weeks very tough. She passed peacefully in her sleep, at home in Amarillo.

    She was a spoiled irascible soul, resplendent in the gamet of all emotions, barking from sheer unrestrained Disneyesque joy to occasional spitting mad psychopathological anger. The latter erupting only when confronted with an utter lack of common sense.

    She had sufficiently trained me to be a long suffering supportive pawn and chauffeur. In return, she shared her life of curiosity, wonder and revelation. She was never bored, never.

    She rarely met another dog she liked, even tolerated. Nipped the nose of many, pointer, golden & shetland included, all merely wanting to acknowledge the presence of one as beautiful as themselves. No way. All unworthy.

    She did have a long running deep friendship with a neighboring Vizla, Chili. Chili and Gabby, sharing a telepathic view understood by few sets of identical twins, sauntered through life together for many years. Each greeting choreographed with a manic, adrenaline infused, display of hyper mode play.

    Daisy, patient and understanding, omniscient, put up with Gabby’s view of life to the point of mimicking many of her behaviors. Better to join ’em. Stereo barking motivates one to leave the couch and DVR the golf tournament for later viewing.

    She enjoyed travel. She helped me put over 300,000 miles on the Pathfinder. Through the years, we would drive back to the house in North Augusta for both Masters and Christmas. Sometimes a summer trip. Trips to see friends and relatives in Virginia and Ohio. I took her with me to camp, hike and fish the Rockies, from Montana, through Wyoming and Colorado, of course New Mexico and Texas. She had a great sense of direction. She sniffed the vents, jumped from seat to seat and barked in joyful anticipation of arrival at our homes in South Carolina and Texas. She loved the parks. Something new to check out. 

    She enjoyed visits to the groomers and vets. Again, something new to check out.

    She was loyal. Gleefully announced my arrival home from work. She knew where I was at all times. When working in the yard on hot West Texas summer days, she would go inside to enjoy the A/C and watch me from a window. We played “hide n seek” like kids. She always found me.

    She taught me to enjoy simpler things. Took pleasure in every new tennis ball, every new smell, the time spent together, every moment really. She was life. None better.

    She’s in heaven of course because God would not leave one so perfect behind. I hope she waits for me but either way, she deserves a moment.


  • Sam Mendez

    Sam ” the man” was more than just a pet, he was a life saver. He and his brother, Chase, came into my life as puppies when I was in dire need of comfort 11 years ago, they both made me recognize the important things in life. Sam was always eager to play and of course to sleep and eat. He loved his treats especially apple slices. He never turn away from a belly or chest rub and was the first pup I saw in the morning always ready to get started on a new day. He is already missed by his brother Chase and the rest of the pack. My you rest in peace, Sam, free of pain until we meet again. Miss you dearly every day. Love you always

  • Rest in Peace beautiful Bella

    Bella was a loving, high energy, playful member of our family. We love you more than words can express and will miss your loving touch and companionship every minute of every day. I am thankful for the time, even though cut short much too early, that we had together. You spent every minute of each day by my side and kept me company and lifted my spirits when I was feeling down. I love you Bella and I take comfort in knowing that you knew how much we loved you. Rest in peace my furry baby girl. Say hi to Pirate and hope to see you both in heaven one day.
    Mom n Dad

  • Buster

    Buster came into our lives when he was just 6 weeks old. He was so smart. He shook hands, did a high five, stood on his hind legs and begged for treats. He loved riding on the tractor but was not too much of an outdoor dog otherwise. He slept with us and always knew when it was bedtime. He was very protective of his owners and he was the best pet we ever owned. Losing him was so hard because he was that special.


  • My Cat’s Big Sleep

    My cat Sarah used to always sleep on my bed, but when I arrived, she had to move. One night when I was 6, she leaped up and decided to just sleep on my face


  • Annie’s Story

    Annie came into my life a little after 7:00 a.m. on April 12th, 2016. I was headed to work that morning. I turned onto NE 24th Street, and noticed a little white ball in the middle of the street. As I passed it, I realized it was a dog and she was still alive. I made a quick u turn and drove up to her. As I got out of the car, and stepped over to her, she looked up and tried to crawl away. I gently picked her up and put her onto the back floor board on my car. Bless her heart; she was so scared and extremely starved and skinny. She crawled in and cuddled up to hide. As I looked down at her, I noticed how starved she was. She was in bad shape. What in the world am I going to do with her? As I drove to work, I looked back at her. Who in the world had done this to her? This poor baby. I drove up into the school parking lot. Grabbed my things and ran into the building. I found an old t shirt and came back out to the car. As I opened the back door to the car, she had moved from her original position and looked up at me. I bent down and wrapped the t shirt around her cold, shaking body and held her close as I walked into the building.
    April 12th: Took her to the Vet this morning. Started IV. She is in bad shape. Went to Vet to check on her. Still in bad shape. Sugar level is low…moving a little. But not wanting to stand up. Very very weak. Not sure if she will pull through. Praying for this sweet girl.
    April 13th: Went to check on her today after work. Talked to Dr. Johnson. Her gums are pink and her sugar level is better. A bit more hope. I stayed with her for a while. Talked to her and told her to fight hard. She threw up a bit and is still very weak. She is still not out of the woods. Very weak, but a small improvement. I told her to fight hard and that I loved her.
    April 14th: Annie’s eyes are more focused and follows people around. She seems more alert today. Still very weak and throwing up and diarrhea. Small improvement. She looks better than she did on the 13th. I saw a big difference with her being more alert today. I am hopeful. She still has a long way to go. Dr. Johnson gave her a Vitamin B-12 shot.
    April 15th: I am off work today. Went to see Annie this morning. She is alert but still very weak. I stopped by again this evening and talked to the Dr. Dr. Johnson will check on her this weekend. I stayed longer and petted and massaged her. Talked to her a lot today. She seems more alert but physically, she really has to overcome a lot.
    April 16th: Dr. Johnson called me this evening and told me that Annie ate some chicken she gave her. And as we were on the phone Annie ate on her own the chicken Dr. Johnson left in the cage with her. She is sitting up a bit now. Very encouraged with her progress. Baby steps with this sweet baby.
    April 18th: Vet Clinic called me this morning at work and said Annie was doing ok. Still throwing up and diarrhea but holding her own. I will go see her today after work. They are open later on Monday’s. I am so amazed with this sweet baby. I went to see Annie today after work. She is eating a little on her own. She has a bowl of food in her cage. I stayed with her awhile and petted and talked to her. Dr. said she had thrown up alittle but did keep some food down. Still has diarrhea. One step at a time.

    April 20th: What an incredible day this was for Annie!!! She was standing up and wagged her little tail when I came in. I even got a little lick/kiss from her today! Lisa came with me and we got to hold her!!! She got a bath also. She is still having diarrhea pretty bad, but she is out of the woods with the Parvo. This little girl is amazing!
    April 22nd.: Annie is hanging in there. She seems a bit tired today. She is not eating as much, and is resting. She has slept a lot today.
    April 25th: Annie is sleeping a lot but doing ok. I held her today and talked to her. She really loves being held. Hope I can bring her home soon.
    April 29th: Annie is not eating well today. She is very very tired and not eating. They gave her some eggs and she ate them, but not eating like she was. Her gums are very white. I am really concerned. Dr. Johnson will start steroids on her and check on her this weekend.
    May 2, 2016: Today, I went to the Vet to see her, and she was not doing very well. I held her as we put her to sleep. Annie was only in my life for 21 days, but she greatly impacted my life. I will always be amazed at how animals impact people’s lives. She knew she was loved these 21 days. Her spirit will always be close to me. I know that Jack met her at the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. She can now run and play and feel free. Lessons learned from each animal in our lives stay with us through eternity. You will always have a special place in my life. You were mine and were loved for the last 21 days of your life. You are free now. Love you Annie.


  • Riley our tv watching dog

    We got him when he was 7 months old in may of 2005. He belonged to my daughter first,
    then later came to live with me. He was the best, always there to protect me and comfort me when I went through cancer. He loved watching TV and was so funny. When he was a puppy, my daughter had him on a retractable leash and took him to the park. He got away from her and started running. He saw the leash behind him and seemed to think he was being chased, so he ran up a slide. Now he was a pretty good size. He was a shepherd mix and as he got older, he looked just like a wolf. He lived a good life and we miss him very much.

  • Cozmo – I miss you

    It’s only been a few days since you’ve been gone, and my heart is torn to pieces. Over 18 years, you were mine and I was yours. I miss you and I hope you are running and playing and chasing them moths. Matzoh Ball misses you too.

  • Jordie Lusk

    We love you very much. You are going to be missed.


  • Ally

    May 11, 2021 will forever be known as set Ally free day.
    Ally came to me when she was a year old because her owner could no longer handle her. I had know her since she was 6 weeks old and she had stayed with me part of that time. This was the start of my love for the German shepherd breed. She was a force to be reckoned with and our bond grew strong. I was never afraid when she was by my side. Who knew we would have less than 10 years together. She was always a strong competitive athlete right up until degenerative myelopathy reared it’s ugly head. She continued to be my hero during the 14 months she fought this disease. She taught me many lessons along the way. She accepted all the changes and still managed to live her best life. As her body failed her, she kept that fighting spirit she had always had. She never gave up, never became depressed and always tried to please me. She was still chasing her ball and was excited to take that last walk in the rain on the day she left her broken body behind. It made the decision all that more difficult. I desperately wanted to cancel the appointment that day, but I knew she would never be ready to leave me. As I struggle to go on without her, I’ll never forget the unconditional love this girl gave me. I’ll love you forever my beautiful girl!



  • Sparky

    He ran out of the forest like a flash of lightning 15 years ago.⚡️⚡️⚡️
    I opened the shop door to see what flew by the window and
    there he was…waiting at the door. 🐾🐾
    I instantly fell in love🤍💜
    I knew he was made just for me☺️
    my first dog🐾🐶 my Schwee Schwee🧡

    He loved the sun 🌞, wind 💨, bread 🍞 and his mommy💚
    He was ready, I was not💔
    And he was a damn good boy right
    up to the end. 😔😭 ⚡️🖤💔🌈🍞💚🌞
    Love you forever my friend.🙏🏼💔🐾


  • Nine Plus Lives

    Our Priscilla came to us as a package with her brother. As sweet as Bubba was Priss was mischievous, curious and adventurous. She was the first to stay out all night, climb up in a dirty cattle truck or not ever come to you no matter how long you called or looked. Odds were she would have ever outlived our two dogs and two cats but she did. She was a tiny cat with a 2 inch tail (Mom a minx) but, she would drag home full grown rabbits, rats and snakes. We are going to miss her and her spirit. 20 years a full life for her on her own terms.

  • Big Daddy’s Tale

    Big Daddy was a stray Great Dane that we took in when I was 19. He had a rough start before we found him, but since then, he has been the most amazing dog I have ever known. He had a love for me that was beyond words. It was like he worshipped the ground I walked on. Every time I walked by, he would reach out and lick at my feet. In 2008, when Kelley and I got married, he had the privilege of getting a mommy that would love him more than any mom should when she was not around from the beginning. We could tell that she was loved back as well. The love between us all was more than just for a dog. It was like that first child type of love…it was deep. He was so much fun and was very funny. He was scared of little noises, which was funny considering he was so big, but even little rumblings from a coffee maker would scare him to wandering away in the house as far as he could get from it. He loved rope toys and loved to play tug of war. We will never forget the time we got him a squeaker toy. He wanted to play with it so bad, but the squeak scared him. He would be so gentle with it to make it not squeak and would look at you like you were nuts if you made it squeak. Then within months, he couldn’t make it squeak enough and was going through squeaker balls right and left because he would squeak them until they were falling apart. That we got to share in his life was somewhat by chance, but it feels like it was 100% meant to be. There was something there that was not just chance. We loved going on walks almost daily, and every night around walk time, he would let you know what time it was and would watch your every move just waiting to see you put shoes on or a jacket, and he would jump up and be ready to go even if that’s not what you were doing. I will never forget how he would not let you leave him once you stopped petting him. He would nudge you until you pet him again, and he would lean on you so that you couldn’t just walk away. You would have to make him let you quit or you would be there for days. My friend, I will love you forever and ever and will never forget how awesome you were.
    From momma–Big Daddy made me feel so protected every night and day; especially, when his daddy was gone. He was scared of little noises, but he growled any time he heard anything suspicious. I know he would have protected me if anything ever happened. He was also such a lover though. He loved people so much and would let anyone pet him for days. Anybody that knew him, fell in love with him. Thank you for sharing your daddy with me, buddy. Your love for him was so special. I will miss you forever. Tell Liza hi for me up there, and I can’t wait to get kisses from you again some day. I love you.

    Big Daddy

  • My sweet baby

    I had never owned a dog before, so one day I said “Lord,if I could find a dog like Paris Hilton, I’ll get one.” Not long after the Lord blessed me with Shorty. The very first time I saw him, he came running to me wanting me to pick him up and almost ten years later till the day he went home to be with the Lord, he was still wagging his tail wanting me to pick him up. Shorty was a very loyal and loving dog. He loved me and my family to the very end. Shorty has stood by my side through some very difficult times. His love and loyalty never wavered. He was his grannies baby and probably her favorite grandchild. I could go on and on about shorty. If I could do it all over again and have him one more day with me I would. He will be dearly missed and never forgotten.

    Shorty J

  • Our Jade Randall

    Our sweet Jade came to me by a friend. She put her in my arms with all her meds because she was rescued from a horrible place. She was just 8 weeks old and a sick little girl. This sweet puppy looked at me with the most beautiful green eyes, and Jade was named. She slept in my bed for 12 years. She had been on many road trips to Arizona to visit my parents. She loved to jump in and go. I became sick 10 years ago, Jade became my care taker. She knew all my secrets and licked my tears away. She loved all animals. She would help me train the next dog that came into our lives and showed them how everything went. She adored kids. She would greet you at the door with the biggest smile and bring you her favorite toy. My daddy died last year and Jade helped me with the ache I had in my heart. She had her nails done at Need Us Bark Us. All the girls loved her. Alison would come out with treats in hand and off they went to get her nails clipped. Alison would give her a treat for each paw. Jade knew how to play it. She always got more than allowed. Jade made friends everywhere. About 4 weeks ago Jade had cancer cut out of her leg. She did so good and pulled through. But sadly the cancer came back and with a vengeance. When she passed away my heart stopped. My best friend was gone. We carried her to the rainbow bridge where we were met by the most wonderful woman. She hugged me and helped us with Jade. The way she handled her with such love we knew we were at the right place. Cheryl took Jade and we went to the office where we saw this little black dog that jumped in my arms like she was hugging me telling me all will be okay.
    I thank God for the blessing of my sweet Jade. She is in heaven with my Daddy and his dog Sparrow.

  • I’ll miss you everyday…

    My precious BeBe girl went to puppy dog heaven on June 23rd 2015. She was my babe girl and my four legged soulmate. She saw me through highs and lows and loved me unconditionally for the past 11 1/2 years. I learned so much from her. She took a pieces of my heart with her but didn’t leave an empty space she left priceless memories with a priceless love…BUT most importantly an understanding for how our pets give us a glimpse of Heavenly Fathers unconditional love for us. I’ll ALWAYS LOVE YOU BeBe!!!!
    I’ll miss you every day until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge.


  • Rest in Peace Bella Boo

    Bella passed away on 11/22/2020 at 10:44pm She left behind a very heartbroken mom, dad, momma (Alex) and Gio her boy. Bella was a loving, high energy, playful member of our family. We love you more than words can express and will miss your loving touch and companionship every minute of every day. I am thankful for the time, even though cut short much too early, that we had together. You spent every minute of each day by my side and kept me company and lifted my spirits when I was feeling down. I love you Bella and I take comfort in knowing that you knew how much we loved you. Rest in peace my furry baby girl. Say hi to Pirate and hope to see you both in heaven one day.
    Mom n Dad

  • Biggie Parrish

    Big dog was a kind fun loving Bulldog that loved other Dogs and People as well! He was born in Madisonville, Tn and was raised in Maul Hawaii. We moved to Texas 3 years ago and he has been to 11different states. He loved to travel and was always up for a road trip! We Love and and we will miss everything about him!

    Biggie_Fotor Biggie Biggie

  • Crash Landing in Heaven

    Crash entered our hearts 16 years ago. He earned his name by surviving a car crash. His older brother Wilby house trained him. Wilby left us in 2017 so right now both my boys are running around together. Crash will be missed by both his human sisters and his human nephew.


  • Spencer

    I got Spencer from a breeder in Minnesota in Feb 1999. he was 9 weeks old. We went to Albuquerque to pick him up so he didn’t have to change planes. I was afraid he might end up in Mexico and I would get meet him! I will never forget I was in the airport waiting for the airport employee to bring him to me. Then here came a man carrying a crate and I heard whimpering. the employee put the crate on the counter and I saw the most precious face I had ever seen. On the trip home I learned the new puppy got car sick so that was something I would have to work on. Even as a puppy Spencer was a great dog. It was really funny the only thing he ever chewed up or on was a couch my Grandmother had given me. I know that was ironic. When we went to pick Spencer up I also had a mini Schnauzer, Misty so now they had each other to play with. Another bit of irony, Misty was 8 and didn’t really want to play and Spence wanted to play all the time. I would walk them everyday after work. Of course Spence being the dominant of the two always had to be in front. Through the years Spencer and I formed a bond I have never had with another dog. He meant the world to me and I thought he was the most adorable thing God has ever made. In jan of 2007 we lost Misty and I think Spencer and I grew even closer. He was with me through all the jerks I dated and he was the consistent one through it all. Through all of lifes ups and downs we always had each other. When I would come home after a bad day at work and see his sweet face all of a sudden my day didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was the constant unconditional love of this wonderful canine. He was my best friend. I don’t think I even really knew what I love was until my love for Spencer. When the man who is my husband now came to my house to pick me up for dinner and Spencer jumped in his lap and started licking his neck I think I thought well he must be the one. For the past 5 years it has been Mark, myself and Spencer. We have been a very happy family. Spencer was up there with when Mark and I got married. Mark had grown to love Spencer and had gotten very attached to him as well. The thing thats funny about life is people, animal die everyday and the world goes on like nothing happened. Since losing Spencer, there is not a moment that goes by that I don’t miss him. The house is not as much of a home without him there. Every night there is an emptiness when we go to sleep at night. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep. One day when I pass I will see the most precious face I have ever seen again and I will get to hold you and tell you how much I have missed you. Until then You will live forever in our heart’s.


  • Baby girl Sadie

    You were my best friend, the best companion I could have ever asked for. I am so very thankful to have had you in my life these last 9 years. It’s hard not waking up to your beautiful face or receiving your warm, wet kisses and snuggling with you at every opportunity.
    You will be forever loved and forever missed. I am heartbroken. I know we will be together again. I look forward to the day I get to see you again. I love you baby girl!
    will forever be in my heart. You were my world. I am so very thankful for the 9 years we had together. I wouldn’t trade a single day. I miss you more than words can express. You are forever loved and deeply missed baby girl


  • Gone but not forgotten Brody

    Brody came into our family November 22nd 2011 and departed our family on February 17th 2023🕊🙏❤️ Brody was a ladies man by far and he was selective when it came to males, however loved my dad and they were best friends. My boys miss and love him too! Anyone who met Brody fell for his cute Yorkie self especially kids but Brody did not like kids.lol He had Lucy as his sister and Dino as his brother and they played and also would get annoyed with each other as well. Brody did enjoy wearing his bandana after getting groomed and he also loved taking drives with my dad in his truck. Brody was also pretty picky when it came to feeding him but when he found something he liked to eat he savored it. Brody would run in circles and also flail on his back which was funny to watch. Brody was special to us and we will miss his whining when he wanted to come back inside the house, and we will miss those ruby red eyes looking back at us with love!! Lucy and Dino our other dogs miss you very very much Brody!! Lastly Brody is up in heaven sitting in my mom’s lap enjoying pup cups and treats!!!


  • Cleo

    Cleo was our daughter’s sweet baby, and she came to live with us right before our daughter passed away. We had her 5 wonderful years, and lost her Tuesday October 7th…she was 15 years old. I can’t imagine the reunion in Heaven with her Momma.
    The staff at Heaven’s Rainbow Bridge are phenomenal. They were so compassionate and caring. I thank you with all my heart for your care of our sweet girl. Her ashes sit next to our precious daughters’. This service is such a blessing.


  • Sophie

    Sophie was a joy to our family. She will be missed every day. We were blessed to have her for twelve years. We love her forever…


  • Augustus aka

    Auggie picked David, his dad, out when we went to look for a Standard Poodle. Auggie was a beautiful apricot poodle. He jumped up on David and seemed to be telling him, “It’s me you want. And do you have any food?” He grew to be a big boy who loved his family including 2 other standard poodles, Beauregard and Sissy. Auggie loved going for walks and running free at the park. He loved playing “find me”, chasing squirrels and cats, and carrying his big stuffed “baby” bear in his mouth. He loved life and was always a joy to his family. We will always miss our “big boy” who loved us so much too!


  • Blue shark

    We got our boy in june as a puppy. He was trained to not attack our chickens or our children. My husband and I would go on walks and blu would pull his dad on the skateboard. He lived to pull the skateboard he loved it. I would always cuddle him as a pup when I got home from work, he would jump in my lap and make me happy. He was our emotional support dog. He left behind 13 kids and i have his first born daughter. He was my our bestfriend and my daughters everything. My daughter has Williams syndrome and he was always there to comfort her. He will be highly missed!!! We love you blushark

    Blue Shark 1

  • Tenacious Mua

    Our little Momma Mia was fearless! She was always on our heels no matter what.She was always a part of our vacations as we went nowhere without her. She followed me swimming in the gulf of Mexico to streams in Arkansas. She was fearless. She was my first schnauzer so I have nothing to compare her to but, I would say that’s a schnauzer trait! On one of her hospital stays she conned the vet into letting her stay out of her cage so she could comfort other patients! Yes she was also a caregiver! She is horribly missed! God love her!

  • Pepper

    The service we received was the best.
    We got Pepper as a support dog for John 15 years ago, she was 1 day old when we choose her. Pepper was a special little lady.We will be using their services for our other fur babies.


  • My Sophie-my buddy for life.

    Two days ago on February 11th shortly after 7AM my sweet baby Sophie passed away. My heart has been shattered and is in a milllion pieces and I will never be the same. She was lying in bed next to me like she always did. Sophie was my world. My best friend, my little buddy, my favorite companion, my tag along, my favorite co-pilot, my baby has crossed over the rainbow bridge to a happier place where she is healthy, and she can run and chase after rabbits. Sophie could always put a smile on my face and made me laugh often. She followed me everywhere and always wanted to be close to me. She was always my travel companion. We went to Florida and she loved sitting on the beach as much as I did. If she wasn’t in the beach chair she was digging a hole so she could lay in the cool sand. She enjoyed Colorado as well. She would stand in the cold river and would hike with me. She loved taking walks and hiking but with her being the boss meant that she had to stop and mark just about everything 😀! Sophie would chase me through the house and I would run in a big circle through the kitchen and living room and she would always figure out what I was doing and then turn and go the opposite direction and catch me! 😃 We also played hide and seek. I would run really fast and get behind a door and she would run right past me several times until I would call her name or whistle and she’d come back to where I was and stand confused in front of the door and eventually find me! She brought so much joy to my heart. Whenever we had music on at home I would pick her up and we would dance through the house. I’d hold her close and spin around. She always let me just be silly and would humor me by letting me dance with her. She helped me through tough times where I was depressed, crying or anxious or angry and just be next to me so I could pet her and calm down. She was as much a Denver Broncos fan as I was. We watched the Broncos win Super Bowl 50 and she was just as excited as me. When we were in the car I would buckle her into the front seat next to me and she would always just stare at me as we drove wherever we were going. Her sweet brown eyes lovingly looking at me. I talked to her about everything and she always looked at me with interest and curiosity. I know she always understood exactly what I was saying. There was never any judgement. I would share my fries with her and sometimes when I wasn’t looking she would steal a few from me. She also enjoyed her puppuccino from Starbucks. She sat waiting patiently for me to order my drink and always knew she would get her treat. My sweet girl would sleep with me and let me hold her paw while we fell asleep. She always cuddled up close to me. Sometimes she would get all the way under the covers and go all the way down to my feet and sleep there. In the mornings when she was ready to get up she would stand on my chest and stare at me and growl her cute little growl until I got up. I remember when Xhenita and I picked her out. We found her at McKinney trade days. She was the sweet little puppy that just sat there so calm while her brothers and sisters barked and played around her. We picked her up and immediately knew we had the right puppy. Sophie was never really a yapper or bark all the time. She would only bark and let me know if someone was at the door, and bark when we were playing. She was always very protective. If the pest control or cable guy or any man she didn’t know was in the house she would nip at their ankles. One time she even bit through the pest control guys jeans….we both had a creepy feeling about him and she let him know he’d better be on his best behavior. Sophie was only 6 pounds but thought she was a 130 pound Rottweiler and had the heart of a lion. She was fearless and would take on anyone or anything if needed. She would have anxiety when it was storming and the thunder and lightning scared her. I was there for her with her anxiety and she was always there for me with mine. We took care of each other. I will never forget my sweet girl. She will always live in my heart and always be my very best friend. She was my favorite hello and give me tons of kisses, and my hardest goodbye with complete disbelief that she is gone. I love you Sophie Diane. You are missed terribly. You will always be with me and in my heart. I wish all my tears and all the pieces of my broken heart could pave a way for us to be together again. 😭


  • Precious Minnie Pearl

    Minnie was a gift to my mom from her employer. This was because Minnie saved my moms life. Mom fell at work dislocating her shoulder and she couldn’t get up. Too much in pain to call out. Minnie ran to my mom, ran upstairs barking away at her owner. Then again, ran downstairs to check on my mom. She did this at least two more times until the employer came downstairs to see why this ‘crazy dog’ was barking. When she was lead to where my mom fell. My mom was rushed to the ER. Minnie was my moms hero. She was then given to my mother. Minnie became the hero to all of us after my mother passed three years ago. She was that one special connection we had to our mom. When Minnie passed, it felt like we lost our mom all over again.
    She loved belly rubs. For some reason she would never bark, only when one of us would hide in the pantry with a treat. She would sit there and bark and bark until we opened the door to give her the treat.
    Minnie thoroughly enjoyed her spa day with Denisse at Petsmart. She would strut her stuff in the store and casually walk through the aisles. But she never played or liked squeak toys.
    She loved naps with her Papa and car rides. She was always kind with her feline little sister Braska, even though her little sister wouldn’t have anything to do with her.
    Minnie will forever be loved. But she will be terribly missed. But she is not alone for she is getting all sorts of love and belly rubs from our precious momma in heaven.
    Thank You Minnie.

    Minnie Pearl

  • Bitsy Farmer

    Bitsy was a rescue for my husband kooper and I. Everytime we came home she would greet us at the door with a smile and her tale wagging. She loved going on road trips, cuddling, and soft blankets. She was very protective of her family and always shoved her love in the most unique ways. She was our best friend. She will be joined in doggy heaven with her brother Scooby who passed in 2020 at 14. We cannot wait to be with her again one day.
    Rest in peace our sweet Bitsy.


  • Chica our angel pup

    Our beloved angel came into our home approx. 13 years ago on a cold winter’s night. We lived on Main street in Shamrock,Texas and were getting ready for bed when a stranger knocked on our door with the sweetest little dog I had ever seen in his arms. She had been in street and almost got run over in front of our house. He asked if she was ours. This gentlemen was travelling through and he didn’t want to leave her in harm’s way. I agreed to take her in and search for her owner.
    She slept at the foot of my bed that night under the blankets. The next morning, we began searching for her family and was unable to find anyone to claim her. We placed notices at the post office and grocery stores in Shamrock and when no one claimed her, we became her family and she became ours.
    I moved away in 2005 and was unable to take Chica with me so she went to live with my parents and became my mom’s best friend. When mom got sick in 2006 and was in & out of the hospitals, my dad would take Chica to visit her. She always felt better after those visits. Mom passed away in her sleep in 2009 and Chica was found sleeping next to her. After that Chica came back to live with us.
    Chica was more than a pet she was a part of our family. She loved the sunshine and enjoyed sitting next to my husband in the recliner to watch TV. She would wrap herself up in blankets to sleep. When she wanted attention she would look at you with her big brown eyes and let out a little yelp or stand there and act like a bull getting ready to charge and she loved to give wet kisses with her mile long tongue. She always had a good appetite but would only eat one piece of food at a time. She would throw it in the air and play with it, rolling it across the floor and roll on it then she would eat it.
    No one knows for sure how old she actually was. The last time we went to the vet they estimated her to be 16-17 years old. She will always be loved and missed.


  • Fredericks unique life.

    On 05/16/2012 Fredrick Estep became a part of our family. I work at a recycling bailing facility and we were loading recycling material into a bailer. One of our guys found this very tiny kitten and then another one.We looked and found more but they were all dead so I took these 2 babies home with me.They were not more than a day or so old but we bottle fed them and had decided to just adopt them out when they were old enough. The little boy kitten,we named him Fredrick because he had some sharp little claws that reminded us of Freddy Krueger on nightmare on elm street. The little girl kitten I decided to call Fredrika because I knew who ever adopted her would for sure change it. Anyways as they got closer to the age of being adoptable I had fell in love with Fredrick and he seemed like a part of me. We adopted out Fredrika and had people looking at Fredrick but I just couldn’t let him go. It caused a pretty good argument for a little bit but we finally came to a comprimise and we kept him. He was always my little buddy and would go to work with me at times. He would also be waiting at the door for me when I was supposed to be home,then he would sit in my lap or on my shoulder and watch tv and when it was bedtime he would let me know he was ready lol. Frederick had his own spot in our bed and if you didn’t watch him closely he would take up the whole king size bed. On the evening of 02/06/2018 his story ended and another chapter of mine began. Never have I had a pet that was more like my child. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU ALWAYS FREDRICK.Thank You for letting me put Fredricks unique life on here.


  • Bobie’s Adventures

    Bobie’s Adventures

    Bobie was born July 3, 2003, in a small town, Southeast of San Antonio, called Shiner, Texas, the runt of a litter of 9.

    Since he was the runt, the puppy mills owner was going to put him down, because, supposedly no one wants a runt of the litter, and all these dogs are bred for registering thru the American Kennel Club. Bobie was eventually registered, under a different name, and does have papers, somewhere.

    One of my sisters, who I don’t associate with anymore, holds the registration papers where she lives, if she even has them anymore.
    Anyway, she took him home when he was three weeks old, so I have known this little man since he was a baby, literally.

    In 2005, October I think, we moved her, Bobie, and one of my brother’s sons, back to the Texas Panhandle to live up here, and they did until late 2006, when she moved to New Mexico, then back to the Central Texas area. Little Bobie stayed here with my mom and I, where he has been since.

    I pretty much referred to him in the beginning as, “My man Bobie”, and he went everywhere we went, and loved it. About the only time he didn’t get to go with us, is if we had somewhere to go where we were going to be, where it would literally be too long for him to stay in the car, then he would stay at home, where he could be more comfortable, and either watch tv, play with his toys, or sleep.

    He loved going in the car with us, either to Amarillo, or Clovis, NM. Everywhere we went, people just had to pet him, hold and play with him. He was a little celebrity, and he loved the attention he was getting, and never met a stranger, he didn’t like.

    When mom and I would eat at Golden Corral, I would always sneak some steak, ham, burger, chicken out to him in the car. He loved it, and learned where we were, when we pulled into a parking spot there. It was the same, if we went to Sonic, McDonalds, or another restaurant, he knew he was getting something too, and not just his food at home. Even when we stopped for an ice cream cone, at McDonalds, he knew he was getting one too. You might say, the little stinker was spoiled, and the sad part, he knew it too. He had me wrapped around his little finger, instead of the other way around.

    He always did something to make us laugh, make us cry, make us proud of him in some way, but never disappointed. I called him our little person, and very rarely did I refer to him as a pet. He got to where he could think for himself, and basically tell you what he wanted, not in people talk, but his whining, growling, barking, and body actions. If he needed to go potty, he’d growl low, which meant, “Hey, I’ve got to go, so get up, and let me out. NOW!” Or, if he was getting hungry, a low whine. If he just wanted to go outside, he would go to the front door, and one or two barks, then he’d wait, and lots of times, he’d wait until you went into the bathroom, before he wanted to go outside. If you were around him very long at all, you would learn his actions, voices, and know exactly what he needed, or wanted.

    It was funny too, anytime it rained, or snowed, and he’d start out the door, and see what it was doing, he’d stop, and decide, “Do I really need to go to the bathroom that bad, or can I wait a bit. Sometimes he’d wait, and sometimes he would go on, out the door, and take care of business, and get back in. He would always let you know when he was back at the door, with his one bark.

    Mom passed away in July of 2014. Not only was I sad, and crying, so was little Bobie. He would jump up in my lap, and cry, and kiss me, and look down the hall to where her bedroom was at. I know his little heart was breaking, because mine was too. We would cry together, and he would try his best to give me a hug, which prompted me to hug him even tighter. I promised him, I’d always be there to love him, and take care of him, until one of us was no longer here.
    That day came, yesterday, November 21st, at 7:18 in the morning.

    He’d been feeling ill for almost a week, but had been eating, a little here, and a little there, but nothing like his normal eating habits. On Monday, he just wouldn’t eat at all. I continued to give him his baby aspirin, and allergy medicine. Later, he still did not want to eat, and I started getting concerned. I took him to the doctor (vet) office to be looked at. Because I didn’t have any cash on me, or checks (I don’t use checks), they wouldn’t see him. They don’t take debit cards, and that’s all I use. So, I brought him back home. He looked at me, and I didn’t know what to tell him, but I’m sorry. He just laid his little head down. At the time, he was breathing pretty good, nothing to be too concerned about. He had been sick before, and it had cleared up, without a problem, but Tuesday afternoon, his breathing had become clicky, and I tried to get him into another vets office, one that would take a debit card. But I found out, I was overdrawn, so I tried to pawn a 9MM hand gun, to get the money, to take him back to the doctors office, the pawn shop wouldn’t do it, because my gun had a little bit of rust on it, in the holster.

    Because, I couldn’t take him to the doctor, I went back home, picked my little man up, and cried uncontrollably, telling him, “I am so sorry my little man. I don’t know what else to do.”
    Later on, trying to figure out, how to get him into see the doctor, I remembered my insurance policy having a cash value to it, but not knowing how much was there, or how to go about getting a loan on it. So I called to find out. I got the paperwork faxed to them, but it was too late.

    My little man; my little Bobie went home to be with the Lord. He knew he wasn’t going to make it, so he gave me a kiss, laid on my chest, gasping for breath. At 7:18 AM, he went to Heaven.

    Poem for Bobie

  • Best Companion

    Uno came to us about 11 years ago, he was adopted from the pound and had already a rough life. He lost an eye and someone paid to have it fixed and never came back for him. We brought him into our family not knowing what an impact he would have on us. He was with us through some very hard times and always knew when we need a friend. His last weeks on earth we tried to show him how much we loved him by making a bucket list and allowing him to do his own thing. He will be truly missed. RIP little buddy.

  • His story

    I remember how exited I was when I got king and his sister we were best friends till the end I remember when you would get off your leash and have me chase up and down the block I hope you are somewhere perfect not good not great but perfect because that’s what you are we got another dog but I always remember you his name is bear its like he has some of your soul inside him from when you passed he has me chase him down the block he loves your spot it will be past down generations he even had his own little pup .I made a vow to remember you for better or for worse by bud I hope your pushing angels on there bikes that’s something no dog in the world could stop .


  • My Jenson

    My sweet boy Jenson was born with mega esophagus, we were told to put him down, but even if there was the slightest hope he would live we ran with it. I fed him upright in my arms ever 2 hours with a syringe, and carried him until he was too big in a carrier on my chest to help his food go down. Our sweet boy made it to 6 months, and was the absolute joy of our lives. He passed on March 12th, and my world is not the same without him. I miss him more than I could ever say, but know he is with my dad in heaven, no more struggle or pain. I love you my Jenny JJ with my whole heart forever and will see you again. Have those sweet kisses ready. Mom


  • Our Tribute

    During the nighttime hours – at 1:11 a.m. CST, I am certain that a new star was lit in the sky to forever capture the shining light of our sweet, beautiful, “Izzy-B”. Formally, Isabella, but more affectionately known as Izzy-B, Bizzy, Miss Bizz, Fizzer Bizzer among an assortment of other pet names, was approaching her 20th birthday in March. Bizzy was a unique and cherished soul and a bright light in our lives. My husband, Craig rescued her when she was 11 weeks old. She chose him and he gave her the most loved and majestic life that was befitting a queen. We were fortunate enough to have experienced this precious transition with her personally – she passed away in my husband’s comforting arms quietly and peacefully as we wished her love and safe passage. We couldn’t have asked for anything more. We were so blessed to have had this amazing and gracious kitty in our lives and we know that her light will continue to shine bright and her brilliance will remembered always. She was so graceful and I have no doubt that she was welcomed at the Rainbow Bridge with warmth and joy. Fly high, Miss Bizz – we will miss you and cherish you forever. Until our souls meet again…we love you, Izzy-B – to the stars and beyond.

    Izzy B_Fotor

  • Rascal

    Sent our boy to be with his brothers and sisters in doggie heaven


  • Brisket

    Brisket was always hyper, active and full of love. He is our first baby and meant so much to our family. He always wanted to play, run and explore. Exploring was he favorite thing. When people would come over and visit he had to stand up, put his paws on my shoulder and watch whoever was talking. He always wanted to be in the conversations. If he was outside during the day Brisket wanted his blanket. He would carry it all over the yard to lay on it. My other baby Cookie and him just always loved each other. He didn’t like to be alone or even sleep alone. If he woke up and wasn’t touching you he started whining and would lay on you. When he started to loose his hearing a couple of year ago it became even more important to always be touching someone. I can’t imagine my life without Brisket and I don’t really know how to go on. There is an empty whole in my house. I will always Love and miss my baby.


  • Our Little Love One !

    Riddick, It was like our best buddy , like a Child , the one who make us laugh


  • Bravest Pet Eber

    Our dog macho he was the greatest animal I ever knew and he pretexted my mom with his life. If anybody got close to my mom he would pit them .My mom went outside to throw away the trash he got out my mom hurried back home and got in the van to go and get him but she never saw him .My mom cried and cried all night waiting if anybody had found him but there was no luck .So we waited I was so sad that he was gone I wondered what had happened to him but when I got home my mom told me that they found him dead I was so sad I cried al day until I found out It that this was my sisters fault if she would of hurried up he wound still be alive but no he got ran over and his guts where pulled out I would like to sue the person who ran him over but his day has come he is now in heaven with my family and his dad .Macho we will never forget you your the best dog ever <3 Me and my mom are very sad you are gone I will allways have you in my heart.


  • Jack’s Story

    In April of 2003, I found Jack at a McDonald’s laying just outside by the drive in area where you drive up and place an order. He was licking on a piece of paper that someone had thrown out and he was finishing up what was left of someone’s hamburger. I parked and walked up to him. He looked awful. He was so skinny and was full of fleas and ticks. But his eyes melted my heart. He came immediately to me wagging his tail. I picked him up and put him in the back of my car. I took him to my backyard and gave him a bath. As I sat down in the grass and started drying him off, he layed down and put his head in my lap. I knew this sweet dog and I would have a bond that would last a very long time. Took him to the Vet the next day and had him dipped and neutered. Picked him up a couple of days later and he looked like a different dog. His blonde coat looked much better! I knew it would take awhile to get him looking better, I could see all of his ribs. He was so malnurished. The Vet told me he was about 3 years old. I named him Jack. Once I got some food in him, Jack blossomed! He was so happy and full of energy. In 2004, I moved to the Austin Texas area. I had found another stray pup that was on the side of the road. She was 1/2 healer. I brought her home to Jack and named her Jill. So I had Jack and Jill!! They were inseparatable!! In 2009, I rescued a 1/2 German Shepherd 1/2 Hound Dog from a Kill Shelter. Brought this sweet baby home. I named him Jake. So I had Jack, Jill and Jake. In 2007 Jack got sick. The Vet said that he had Eurlikia Disease from having ticks. The Vet saved Jack, but he lost his sight. So now Jack was Blind. But that did not stop this sweet boy. He adjusted to his blindness and I kept taking him and Jill and Jake to the Dog Park every weekend. Jack used his hearing to guide him around the other two. He was amazing!! I was so amazed at how Jack would get out into the pond and swim with Jill and Jake, and run around the park with them. He never let his blindness stop him. If he got too far away from me at the Dog Park he would stop to listen to me call his name and here he came running! I moved to Amarillo, Texas in August 2014. By this time Jack was about 13 years old and was slowing down. But his sweet disposition and loving spirit never faultered with Jack. On February 1st, Jack had a seizure and never pulled out of it. I held him close and told him how much I loved him as he quietly and peacefully departed from this life. I miss him everyday, and so do Jill and Jake. Jack was a blessing and I know his time with me was special. I think I needed him more than he needed me. I love you my sweet Jack.


  • Scampy

    Scamp was brought into our family as a young pup. For the past 12 plus years, he was more than a dog. He was a buddy, a friend, and our son. He moved with us to Austin and back, and loved every minute of it. When it was finally time to let him go, it was the hardest thing in the world to do. We wanted him to live forever, yet we knew that was not possible. We know he is in a better place and can’t wait to see him again as we crossover that rainbow bridge when it is our time.
    Scamp, we love you and will miss you more than you will ever know. We love you so much!

  • Isn’t she Lovely

    Lovely was the best dog I’ve ever had. She brought joy and laughter to the many lives she touched. She was Loyal to the T, kind, proud, protective of her mama, she was fearless, and had the biggest heart! She will be greatly missed.


  • Companion for Life

    The first time I met tucker was walking by a pet store in Oklahoma city. I was not planning to purchase a puppy that day, However,he was sound asleep snuggled in shredded newspaper in the window of the store. It was love at first site. As we were wdriving back to Amarillo with tucker the only place he wanted to be was on the shoulder snuggled in the neck. That is how the doggie in the window was named. Because he wanted to always sleep on my shoulder and neck. As he grew up his favorite place to sleep was on my pillow snuggle near my should and neck when I went to sleep at night in our bed. Tucker we will miss you dearly !We love you.


  • Bella, The most loyal pup ❤️

    Bella aka Belly, Bella Wella, Belly bell and many more nicknames sadly crossed the rainbow bridge March 29, 2024 joining her sisters Cookie and Happy. She wasn’t always our pup, my childhood best friend had been gifted the cutest puppy. This puppy was super cute and very loving. Jokingly (but not really) my mom called dibs on her if there was ever a need to rehome. Little did we know not too long after, our dibs was called upon when they were no longer able to keep her and without question she hopped in the car and transitioned into her forever family. BEST DECISION EVER. Bella was the dog that dad tells you not to bring home but after some cuddles and the sight of her puppy eyes, two hours later he magically appears in the driveway with a collar, tags, and a bed for said dog. She was rebellious at times as puppy’s are but very intelligent and learned fast. She gave us lots great memories, protection, and comfort cuddles. Bella was a natural born guard dog for our family, now she gained some wings and became one of our guardian angels. We love and miss you very much sweet girl, thank you for everything have fun running around again! ❤️🐾


  • Jake

    I adopted Jake in April of 2009 from a Kill Shelter in Austin, Tx. He was found as a stray and taken to the shelter. Jake was the most precious, gentle dog I have ever had the privilege to have. He brought so much joy and love to me and my sweet Jill. He left me way too soon. I know that there is another bright star in heaven today. Until I see you again sweet Jake. Run, play and BE HAPPY in doggie heaven!! I love you forever!

    Jake Fuller

  • Jake

    This family member of ours was by far the best dog, in all ways, that we’ve ever had. He was laid-back, loyal, loving; but it was his spirit that we loved to watch in action, as he was trying to catch a scent while on the hunt for birds. We’ve never seen a dog like Jake. We never lost a bird while we had him. At times, he would bring two birds back in his mouth, and softly drop them at our feet. He was devoted to those who loved him, and he certainly came alive and was at his best when he was hunting.
    We were honored to have him as our devoted hunting partner and pet these past 11 years.


  • Rambo- Our Sweet Boy

    When we moved into our new home in January of 2016, our son, who was six at the time, longed to have a dog. We were worried about getting a dog but at the same time wanted him to learn some responsibility so we asked our in-laws if Rambo, who had been there dog for 10 years, could come visit so we could have a test run. Well, Rambo never left our home until his passing on February 19, 2021, which was exactly 5 years to the day he arrived at our home. He saw us through the happiest and the most challenging times these past 5 years. He was always there to greet us every day after work. He was the first my husband hugged when he was offered a new job. He always knew when we needed to be comforted. During one of my chemo treatments, he jumped on my bed to snuggle. He was not allowed on our bed and knew it was off limits, but that day he knew I needed him. He was always there to see me through the bad days. He guarded our som like his own. He knew he needed to protect the little guy as he would follow him everywhere. He will be dearly missed but I’m so thankful for the wonderful days he blessed us.


  • Hallie Girl

    Hallie was a great bird dog. She not only hunted during bird season but also was in bird dog trails. She would spent hours playing fetch. She was such a loving friend. We miss her so much.


  • Cowgirl ” My Sweet Baboo”

    Cowgirl, was my constant friend and companion for 14 1/2 years. She came to me at a time when I had already lost another dog. I fell in love with her the first time I held her at 8 weeks old. She stayed by my side and never let me down. She was 1/2 border collie, so she was very athletic. She would play fetch with a ball or toy, until my arm would fall off. She wanted to serve and love. That was her nature. When I would come home, she would follow me around the house and lay down to watch and make sure I was not alone. Always protecting me from the mail man or anyone who dared to come to the front door. Her bark was strong and loud as she protected. But she always knew when enough was enough and would calm down with my telling her it was alright. She was a strong and beautiful dog. When my sister passed away, she was my comfort and constant care giver. She was strong until the very end, she was diagnosed with cancer in December 2018 and she fought till the end, even walking up the steps to the vet’s office for her final day. I wondered if I did the right thing, even knowing her pain was so bad. But, I am so grateful to God, for allowing me to be there when she took her last breath and held her until the end. God knew she could do no more, and I guess I knew it was time. Cheryl at the HRB is a wonderful caring person and I am so grateful to her and her company for giving me a way to honor my sweet Cowgirl. I will see her again, at Heaven’s Rainbow Bridge when the Lord calls me home…she will be waiting and I know it will be a joyful time. Rest in Best my Dear Pup….I love you and always will.


  • Ruckus, Mayhem, and Chaos

    We are so sad, Babies, to not have you with us. We had such plans to see you grow up. We miss your incredibly sweet faces. We are so thankful that God picked us to try and give you guys a shot at life. We aren’t kitty parents, but you stole our hearts. Ruckus, we miss you talking to us; Mayhem, we miss your busy and protective nature; Chaos, we miss your sweet sweet gentle soul. We love you; you mattered, and we miss you horribly.


  • Majeste

    Today my sweet, amazing, giant fluffy best friend, Majeste, crossed the rainbow bridge. Forever I will love her and she will forever be my most favorite doodle-head. She loved to adventure with me. She moved across the country with me often. She used to come to the vet tech school and help with classes. She donated blood to help save other dogs. She swam and bounced around the dog beaches and climbed literal mountains. She ate entire bags of dog food at once, chocolate cakes and cookies out of an oven, flaming pizzas, an unknown number of socks, and even a long sleeve shirt resulting in a lot of “my dog ate…” vet visits. She kept me on my toes for sure. As mischievous as she was, she was just as loving. She snuggled rats, cats, and dogs- even the smallest and injured friends I would bring home. She let me niece and nephews crawl all over her- granted she stole a few hotdogs and popsicles in return. She was truly the best dog! I thank God for the almost 15 years that I was blessed with her. I know that now, she is running and jumping pain free in doggy heaven. Rest In Peace sweet girl.


  • Star’s Passing

    Star Passed last Sunday, November 27, 2016 very unexpectedly from congestive heart failure. We did not know she had it but they told us at the small animal hospital that it presented itself and it happened very quickly and with a matter of about three hours star was gone peacefully.
    We had her almost 16 years since she was born. We are going to miss her greatly and one of her little girls Chloe lives in the house with us she just keeps looking for her.
    We want to thank the people at the small animal emergency hospital in Amarillo and the wonderful people at Heavens Rainbow Bridge for taking care of star and help making her passing bearable. Thank you.

  • Rosie

    I adopted Rosie from PetSmart at 8 years old after her owner set fire to their home. I did not want another dog after losing one a year before, that saying “I reached out for a hand and found a paw” was so true with Rosie. I looked at her in the cage just cage sitting quietly and all other dog’s barking. I ask to hold her and she laid her sweet head on my shoulder and a tear fell down her face. For 7 years she was the most loving girl anyone could wish for. I will miss her sleeping next to me, I knew her time was close, but her time came so quickly. So thankful I got to hold her and kiss her until her last breath. Thank you Rainbow Bridge for such gentle care of my baby.


  • Lucy and her stuffed Animals

    Lucy thought all stuffed animals belonged to her and loved to play. She didn’t like to go on walks, but was a fierce protector of her home and took such good care of me when I was sick. We miss her so much.


  • You Will Be Missed

    We you adopted me, we became pals. And it is so hard letting you go but I know you are no longer suffering. There is a huge hole in my heart today. I am so glad you can now rejoin Nana and Papa.


  • Zurie

    Our precious Zurie boy passed this past Tuesday. He was a chocolate cocker spaniel who was loved beyond measure. He came from Missouri so I named him Zurie. There will never be another dog like him!! I miss him so very much. Our home is not the same without him here. Tomorrow we travel to Heaven’s Rainbow Bridge to pick up our boy and bring him home. I am at a loss as I can’t believe I will never see him again here on earth. He loved treats, his fur brother and sisters and our entire family. He had both of his back legs rebuilt with screws and bolts yet he kept on trucking along. I will always remember him running in our field prior to his 1st surgery. He is running in heaven and no longer in pain!


  • Goodbye to my Soul Dog

    Somehow this white chihuahua mix ended up with ASPCA. I was a volunteer and a foster parent. Sugar absolutely hated being in the crate at adoptions and just barked the entire time so I would hold her so people could pick their new pet peacefully. Since the shelter was set up the same way they asked if I would please foster her to keep the peace at the shelter. So I did… with a commitment to bring her to every adoption so she could find her forever home. We estimated her age to be around 6 – 8 years old at that time. It just so happened I was going through the roughest time of my life up to and since that point. Sugar, was always on and by my side. Without me even realizing it she became my most faithful, loyal, and constant companion… my one and only true best friend… and I was hers. Her death brought with it such a deep sense off loss. I can only define her as my soul dog. She is still painfully missed and forever loved.

    Sugar Sugar.jpg

  • Magpie White

    Magpie’s story begins with her rescue in January of 2006 by Southwest Collie Rescue. She came from the shelter in Wichita Falls with mange, parasites, and heartworms. Nearly hairless and feeling so sick, Dr. Wick Culp saved her life on that Saturday nearly 13 years ago. She healed and gained weight and grew fur and turned into a beautiful, gentle little collie that has been our rescue heroine. She was ‘in charge’ of the new foster collies when they arrived and told them how lucky they were and how good their lives were going to be now. She lived a very long life for a collie and we are grateful for every minute we had with her. We are now grateful that her spirit is free to run and play on the other side. We miss her terribly and know we will see her again. Love you Magpie my luv.


  • Maverick: A true and loyal family member

    Not having a pet pass since I was a kid, I really was shocked at how hard this has been on me as an adult. Maverick gave me purpose and being a Collie, I brushed him every day, did everything I could to make his life getting older the best ever. I began to prepare myself that his days were numbered, yet I don’t guess you ever really are. Maverick was my buddy and had such an impact on our family. What was most special about Maverick is somehow he started to make me look at life differently. To slow down, make time for those you love, and to give all you have and you will never regret. I miss Maverick, he made me closer to God and I believe our family will see him again in heaven. I love you Maverick.


  • My precious Callie

    Callie was rescued by my ex husband, John, from a shelter in Idaho. John works as a helicopter fire fighter and Callie was raised riding in the helicopters. She needed a permanent home and was delivered to me in Texas. She loved to “load up” in the car and go for rides. She always liked to go wading and it was hard to keep her out of the water when we went camping. Her favorite place was in the front yard where she could chase the squirrels. Callie was a one-person girl who loved to sit on my feet, and got jealous when someone else was around. Her favorite person to bark at was our mailman, who became her friend after she gave her treats. She never left my side when I was diagnosed with cancer. When she turned 16 her hips finally gave out and she could no longer walk. It was the hardest thing in my life to let her go. I have cried a million tears, but I did not want her to suffer. Callie is back home with me, her Momma, where she will always be. I love you, my sweet Callie Girl.

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  • Dozer

    Dozer, you where the best pal a person could ask for! You will forever be a part of our hearts and we will Miss you always! Love you Dozie


  • ShuShu

    For 16+ years you were my best friend, my companion, the love of my life and my fur baby.
    From the very first day you reached your tiny little paw through the adoption cage door to your very last breath on the morning of 4/20/19 you have been like a daughter to me.

    Helping you cross that Rainbow Bridge was the hardest choice I ever had to make but I know it was the best choice for you.
    I know you won’t be in pain anymore and you will be there when I pass one day.

    I will miss how you were always at the door meowing and greeting me when I came home.
    I’ll miss how you laid on me when I laid on the couch and sat on me when I was at the computer.
    I’ll miss everything you did and I will of course miss your loud banshee meows as well.

    I love you my sweet baby girl, please rest in peace and I will see you again one day.

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  • Stubby the normal terrior

    He was always very active and in trouble.
    When he was 6 months he cornered a possum in the back yard and held it until we got home. He got out one night when the pizza man came without us knowing about it the next morning he was found at the neighbors across the street.
    He found a dog three times his size and lost his eye we were so lucky that he made it through it.
    He was my lap dog and had lots of fun together.
    He loved to ride with us on the motorcycle and we got him his own outfit and he was a totally different dog when he was in it and on the motorcycle.
    He will be missed.


  • She was my little Princess.

    Rose was a wonderful loving little girl.

    We saw her while looking for my nephew (8 at the time) a little dog of his own to help with some issues that he had been through. My grandma spotted her at the shelter as the smallest and most scared looking pup anyone would have seen. At first, I wasn’t sure about it simply because she was so little and he was a child, but they bonded instantly.

    She was so precious and so loving, she adored nuzzling against us and having us rub her back and behind her ears. Even though she always looked so done with the world and everyone in it, she was so happy–losing her is going to leave an impact on us that I didn’t know would be so big.

    We only had her for a year but it felt like she had always been with us I’m sure that everyone here had a pet like that. These dogs weren’t just dogs to us they were our entire worlds and so much more, they were like children and I know nothing will ever replace them.

    I hope they knew how much they were loved.


  • Sweet Angel Remi Girl

    Remi was the sweetest angel to walk this earth. Fulfilling all our firsts and being our number 1 energy holder of the household, always the happiest girl with the most magnetic soul. For the short time you had here, we couldn’t be more lucky that it was you that we got to love so much. As for all the other firsts, you will still be apart of from afar. Heavens gates are now yours Rem. We love you so entirely much & you will by no means ever be forgotten. Run big and far sweet girl.


  • Most handsome boy ever😊

    I lost this handsome guy 6-1-19. He lived to be 15 1/2. Had him from 8 weeks, he was the most loving baby ever, my heart breaks. Until we meet again, your in my heart always n forever❤️
    Your mom


  • Our Precious Angel

    Angel came to live with us when she was 2 months old. From the day we got her we loved her so much. She was my son’s dog but we all loved her. She was a very good pitbull. She got along with all our other dogs and even helped take care of our chihuahuas puppies when they were born. When she was 4 years old she was diagnosed with Addisons Disease. She had to go to the vet every month for a shot and took medicine every day. She always knew when it was time to take her medicine she would sit by the refrigerator and wait for it. She fought the disease for almost three years til it took her life. We love and miss you Angel. We will never forget you.

    Angel Angel.jpg

  • Our Lady Bug

    Lady was with us for 14 wonderful years,she was a loving little girl,that loved to run and play and keep up with her two sisters Ginger and Abby. It’s hard to think that she is no longer with us and we miss her so much. We know now that she’s not in pain and she’s at Rainbow Bridge running with her other two sisters Sandy and Shelly, till we meet again.We love and miss you so much. Your family

    for Lady Bug

  • Our Sweet Babe

    On this day, August 14, 2020, God called our Sweet Babe Home. Babe was born January 25, 2008. She was a second Birthday Present for Zoey. Though she was Zoey’s dog, Babe touched the life of anyone she ever met. Babe was exceptionally Loyal, Gentile and Loving. Babe made friends wherever she went. Sometimes babe would wonder out the door, come up missing and be found on a neighbor’s couch watching TV. She had a special bond with children. She could read if a child had a hard life, or even just a weird stage, and she would cling to that. She would nanny. Even if they where not her kids, she never acted like there was a difference. All children where her kids in her mind. In her younger years, she was an avid Gun Dog. She absolutely loved the hunt! She’d run all day chasing birds. No tennis ball or laser pointer or loofah was safe either! Babe was a beautiful soul. In twelve short years, she spread more love than most people can in 100. Babe, Pop will be waiting for you to cross the rainbow bridge. Hang by his side, comfort each other. Till we meet again Ol’ Skool. Love ya Pup!


  • Nala – Best dog ever!

    My Nala was a rescue but I actually think she rescued me. I have had a lot of dogs but she was the best, even when she was young she was so good. She was always happy to see me when I would get home. And she always made me feel special. She was the best travel companion. I never had to worry about her getting out and running away. She was happy where she was. She had a good life until cancer got the best of her at the age of 13. You will be missed my friend…

  • Cheyenne

    My Cheyenne was my companion for 17 years. I’ll miss her so much. She would come running to the door when I came home sure gonna miss that. RIP 09/06/2006 – 10/21/2023


  • Koda

    Our Koda was 8 years old and passed completely unexpectedly while we were on vacation this week. We are so shocked and heartbroken.
    My sweet Koda boy, I’m gonna miss you so much. You were a good boy and we loved you so much. I’m gonna miss giving you massages, they were your favorite. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there with you at the end 😭💔


  • My Cowboy

    I was at work one day and had heard this little dog only had a couple hours to live as the shelter was going to euthanize him….I convinced my friend to bring me after work to go get him so he wouldn’t die…I got there and there were so many dogs in cages barking and just wanting us to “pick” them. It was heartbreaking that I couldn’t take all of them home but I was on a mission; there was one dog I had my eyes set on! He may not have been the cutest at all but there was something about him. He sat alone in a cage in the corner not barking at all. He was so quiet with his head hanging. They gave him to me and I promised to take care of him! The whole ride home he wouldn’t lift his head. He just had his head buried in my neck and chest. I got home and he had so many ticks on him! I got some fingernail polish (to put ticks in) and tweezers and I went to work. I spent hours making sure they were all off him. We bonded at that time and he learned to trust me! He loved sitting in my lap. He became my little Cowboy!

    I’m so hurt that he is gone! I love that little guy with all my heart!! I never realized how much he meant to my boyfriend either until these last few days as I’ve caught him wiping his tears from his face many times.

    So tomorrow it’ll just be me and Cowboy again like the 1st day I got him! He’s headed to the beautiful Rainbow 🌈 Bridge with me by his side!

    I made a promise to protect you but I let you down! I am sorry! 😪You will be with me forever though and I’m getting you cremated so you can go wherever I go! It won’t make up for you losing your life but we will be together my little junkyard dog!


  • Kappa

    Kappa, you have been loved since before I ever saw you. When I finally met you, you were 3 weeks old and feisty. I knew out of the entire litter, I had to have you.You have made our family so happy and we loved you dearly. Thank you for loving us too. Holiday and Valentine will miss their brother. You will never be forgotten our sweet chihuahua. Me, aunt Shay, Nakhoby, and granny Wilma loves you. We will see you again daddy!


  • Annie Girl

    My Annie was not my first choice, her sister Sassy was, but she was supposed to go to my Mom. My youngest daughter told me I really needed to get another one because by the time I got Sassy trainedI wouldn’t want to let her go. So I went back and got my Annie girl. They were 7 weeks old and I fell in love with them immediately! Annie was the most loving little girl, she would always lay at my feet between my legs, that was her place she made sure Sassy knewit. She loved to have her chest rubbed, she would sit up, and it was never enough, no matter how long I would rub she would scratch at me to let me know she wanted more. She started coughing about 4 years ago the vet said she had a collapsing trachea. But the meds she gave her helped a lot, so we had her 4 more years. I love that little girl so much, and my heart is breaking! I have her resting in the perfect place on my mantle and beside my bed! I know you are healthy and able to breath and play like you always did, sweet girl! Your sister misses you dearly, she is lost. I know God has a special place for our special family! I love you Annie girl, will see you again!

    Annie Girl

  • My Toby

    My heart hurts so deeply. Last night – October 31, 2016 – at 11:55 p.m. my sweet buddy’s soul was released as his heart beat for the last time. He was in my arms surrounded by our endless love. Toby happened into my life 7 years ago and we loved each other fiercely from that first moment until his last faithful breath. I will love him and miss him forever. Toby suffered from a collapsed trachea and over the past few days, he was really struggling to breath. I know first-hand how that feels and we knew that the day was upon us that we would have to make the very hard decision to let him go. However, my loyal companion gave me the gift in the end by taking that journey without our interference. When it comes to fur-babies, he was one of the best. His spirit was unique and he will never be forgotten. In his short life, he lived big and brought me tremendous joy and wonderful memories. I know that he will be waiting for me – along with all of my previously departed fur-babies – when it’s my turn to take that journey. May you rest easy my sweet little boy. We love you, Toby…Always.

  • Cookies journey

    She started as a truck driving dog and traveled all over the U.S and Canada. She played on the beach in Virginia Beach and avoided alligators in Florida. Her life was full of many adventures and the time just flew by. She didn’t realize she was a dog until Sasha(new puppy) came along did she learn some of the joys of being a dog. She mothered her even though Sasha was 80 lbs. heavier you would have never known it. She filled our hearts with joy and she will be missed dearly.


  • Best Friend, Companion, Secret Keeper

    Locked eyes with Joy when she was 6 mos. old on my 48th birthday. My friend was driving me by a farm near my home after neck surgery and that was it. Stop the car. The Dr. said I needed to be out more she was my reason. She and I were always one. moved her to NM from NY state with me in 2013. Her remains will be with me when I pass.

  • Ta’ah

    You my fur baby was there when I needed you most! You are going to be so missed. You had the most beautiful, loving disposition, you were a dog that had so much grace If you’d been a human, you would have been a queen! See you on the other side! Love you forever and a day.

  • Punkin

    Punkin came into our lives 13 years ago. She was the absolute sweetest dog and we loved her very much. Her presence is already missed, and life just doesn’t feel the same without her. We are grateful for the memories and all the time we spent with her. Losing her has been heartbreaking. We will cherish all of her little quirks, the way she loved to be scratched around her neck, her precious little face snug between her paws when she was sleeping, her sweet little ears perked up when you got home and the unfailing love she had for all of us. Thank you for being ours sweet girl, we love you and miss you dearly.


  • Rudy

    Sunday March 24th 2019, my dearest Great Dane Rudy left this earth. The day before his 4th birthday was the worst thing I have experienced, but before this day, Rudy lived a happy life with me. His favorite place was on the couch or next to me. Many nights he spent just going from couch to my bedside and back. He hated fireworks and thunderstorms. When those would start he would jump on our bed. Although he couldn’t speak I believe he felt like he needed to protect me. We enjoyed walks in the park and our neighborhood. He had to have his daily lap time, and nightly bone. Like many Great Danes he enjoyed being lazy, but he sure was playful with his fellow dogs. My husband says he raised our two corgis which is completely true! He is the definition of gentle giant. The beginning of Rudy’s story was rough! Being the runt of his little the mother pushed him away, and when I found him he was very close to death, but with a lot of love and bottle feeding my Rudy came to life, full of energy and love to give. He would have never hurt a fly, literally. If a fly landed on him he wouldn’t move a muscle to hurt it. He just let them do their thing and let them move on. Rudy might be gone from this earth physically, but he will forever reside in my heart. I will meet you at the Rainbow Bridge baby boy, and we will be together once again!


  • Sweet Baby Caleb

    We saw him in a crate for adoption at Gebo’s. He was shaking and was wearing a necktie. No one showed interest in him and this was his third time there. When Gail saw those big brown eyes, she fell in love with him and wanted to adopt him. Charlie asked “are you sure??” and Gail said “Yes!”, so he snuggled in her arms and we took him home. We had 5+ years with him, and they were wonderful. During that time, he taught us many things: Get up early in the morning to watch the sun rise, Enjoy the sun every day, Eat your meals on a regular schedule, Don’t stay out in the cold rain, And take a very brisk walk every day.

    Caleb was a real lover and reminded us to be loyal to those who love you, show your love to others every day, meet new people and find friends, and take care of your neighbors. He found joy in life and told us to travel everywhere as much as we can, learn to play and laugh, find joy in every day, and enjoy treats! He always was grateful for what we could give him, and taught us to be Thankful for a safe warm home and regular meals and Reminded us “when you are afraid, remember that someone is ALWAYS with you.” He taught us that it is important To sing every day, Look at the stars each night… or just look up, Remember family time – family is most important, Take naps, and Remember to enjoy weekends – He did! Finally, he reminded us to ALWAYS KEEP YOUR PROMISES, ESPECIALLY TO THOSE THAT YOU LOVE AND WHO LOVE YOU!!!


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