Our beloved angel came into our home approx. 13 years ago on a cold winter’s night. We lived on Main street in Shamrock,Texas and were getting ready for bed when a stranger knocked on our door with the sweetest little dog I had ever seen in his arms. She had been in street and almost got run over in front of our house. He asked if she was ours. This gentlemen was travelling through and he didn’t want to leave her in harm’s way. I agreed to take her in and search for her owner.
She slept at the foot of my bed that night under the blankets. The next morning, we began searching for her family and was unable to find anyone to claim her. We placed notices at the post office and grocery stores in Shamrock and when no one claimed her, we became her family and she became ours.
I moved away in 2005 and was unable to take Chica with me so she went to live with my parents and became my mom’s best friend. When mom got sick in 2006 and was in & out of the hospitals, my dad would take Chica to visit her. She always felt better after those visits. Mom passed away in her sleep in 2009 and Chica was found sleeping next to her. After that Chica came back to live with us.
Chica was more than a pet she was a part of our family. She loved the sunshine and enjoyed sitting next to my husband in the recliner to watch TV. She would wrap herself up in blankets to sleep. When she wanted attention she would look at you with her big brown eyes and let out a little yelp or stand there and act like a bull getting ready to charge and she loved to give wet kisses with her mile long tongue. She always had a good appetite but would only eat one piece of food at a time. She would throw it in the air and play with it, rolling it across the floor and roll on it then she would eat it.
No one knows for sure how old she actually was. The last time we went to the vet they estimated her to be 16-17 years old. She will always be loved and missed.
