Monthly Archives: September 2020
Today my sweet, amazing, giant fluffy best friend, Majeste, crossed the rainbow bridge. Forever I will love her and she will forever be my most favorite doodle-head. She loved to adventure with me. She moved across the country with me often. She used to come to the vet tech school and help with classes. She donated blood to help save other dogs. She swam and bounced around the dog beaches and climbed literal mountains. She ate entire bags of dog food at once, chocolate cakes and cookies out of an oven, flaming pizzas, an unknown number of socks, and even a long sleeve shirt resulting in a lot of “my dog ate…” vet visits. She kept me on my toes for sure. As mischievous as she was, she was just as loving. She snuggled rats, cats, and dogs- even the smallest and injured friends I would bring home. She let me niece and nephews crawl all over her- granted she stole a few hotdogs and popsicles in return. She was truly the best dog! I thank God for the almost 15 years that I was blessed with her. I know that now, she is running and jumping pain free in doggy heaven. Rest In Peace sweet girl.